Eight Questions You Should Ask Your Orthodontist

May 14, 2020

Eight Questions You Should Ask Your OrthodontistOrthodontic treatment has the ability to alter your life, but keep in mind that you get out what you put in and it’s important to know how to ask the correct questions. At Utah Orthodontic Care, we’re proud to offer convenient, affordable orthodontic treatment from a network of orthodontic providers that expands throughout the greater Salt Lake City area, making it simpler than ever for patients to get the dream smiles they truly want. We strive to be a comprehensive resource when it comes to orthodontic care, so here are 8 questions you should ask your orthodontist at your next consultation or appointment.

The Top Questions to Ask an Orthodontist

As an orthodontic patient, it’s crucial to be your own biggest advocate, and that means asking questions to get the necessary information you’re seeking. Here are 8 useful questions you can ask your orthodontist to help you get the best possible smile:

  1. What treatments does your practice offer?: Before deciding on treatment, you should fully comprehend the spectrum of options they provide. At a minimum, they should offer traditional braces and a clear aligner treatment like Invisalign.
  2. What orthodontic conditions do I currently experience?: Understanding your situation is crucial to prosperous treatment, so be sure to ask your orthodontist to discuss any orthodontic conditions you have with you.
  3. What will happen if I don’t get treatment soon?: Asking this question will help you get a clear picture of the consequences of postponing treatment.
  4. What is the time frame for treatment completion?: Remember to take into account both the active phase of treatment and the retention phase that proceeds.
  5. What is the treatment cost?: It may not always be possible to know exactly how expensive your treatment will be, it’s always smart to ask for a round estimate.
  6. Do I have financial options?: Whether it’s insurance or an orthodontic financing plan, it’s critical to talk over all the potential financial options at your disposal.
  7. What are your treatment suggestions?: Often times, picking your treatment method comes down to personal preference, while other times it may be influenced by your condition. Make sure to ask your orthodontist which method they recommend and why.
  8. What are some ways I can protect my teeth during treatment?: It’s important to take necessary care of your teeth during orthodontic treatment, so make sure to ask your orthodontist for tips and recommendations on how.

Schedule a Consultation for Braces in Salt Lake City

These questions will help you get a better understanding of your current orthodontic situation, the treatment options available to you, and what to expect from treatment. And if you’re ready to achieve a new smile of your own, we’re here to help! Contact us today to learn more about the orthodontic treatments we offer, or simply request a consultation online. We can’t wait to hear from you!