Top Oral Healthcare Tips for 2020

February 21, 2020
This January marks not only another new year, but an entire new decade – and it presents a perfect opportunity to create new healthy habits for your teeth. At Utah Orthodontic Care, our mission is to make it possible for anyone to achieve their dream smile by providing affordable orthodontic treatments in the Salt Lake City area, but how you care for your teeth at home is just as important to your smile as treatments like braces or Invisalign. To help you start off the new decade right, here are a few great oral healthcare tips to try in 2020.

Improve Your Oral Hygiene in the New Year

Ready to make 2020 the year – and the decade – of your best smile yet? Follow these oral health tips for an even better smile throughout the 20s:

  • Commit to 365 Days of Hygiene: While we all know that brushing and flossing are important for a great smile, it’s easy to get lax and skip a day here and there. This year, why not commit to brushing and flossing every single day of 2020? It’s a great way to protect your teeth and ensure a healthy smile all year long!
  • Give Up Soda: If there’s one habit that can harm teeth like no other, it’s sugary, acidic drinks like soda. If you tend to opt for soda to pair with every meal, try switching to water this year. This small adjustment will help prevent cavities and dental decay, keep your teeth healthy and your smile beautiful.
  • Eat a Tooth-Friendly Diet: Many people don’t realize this, but your diet also has an impact on dental health. For 2020, opt for a healthy, tooth-friendly diet full of vegetables and low-fat yogurts and cheeses to keep your teeth strong for a long-lasting life. This will keep your smile and your body healthy!

Contact Your Salt Lake City Affordable Orthodontist

These tips will help you keep your smile healthy, bright, and beautiful throughout the new year – but if you truly want to revitalize your smile, there’s no substitute for orthodontic treatment. If you’re ready to achieve a gorgeous new smile for the new decade, take the first step and request a free consultation online. We’ll help you understand your orthodontic situation, choose the best treatment for your lifestyle, and start on the path towards your dream smile. We can’t wait to hear from you!