5 Tips for Effective Invisalign Treatment
If you are one of the more than 13 million people who have received Invisalign treatment, you likely want to get the most out of it. Here are five tips from Utah Orthodontic care for getting the most out of your Invisalign clear aligners.
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1. Wear Them for 22 Hours Every Day
For your aligners to work and provide the results you are looking for, you must wear them for at least 22 hours per day from day one. You should only take them out to eat, chew gum, brush your teeth, and clean them.
2. Clean Them
Cleaning your aligners is not only essential for avoiding bad breath, but it is also necessary to avoid tooth decay. You should make it a habit to clean them every time you take them out. Toothpaste can scratch them, so you want to use something like Retainer Brite or Invisalign cleaning crystals. In a pinch, you can use antibacterial soap.
3. Stay on Top of Your Oral Health
In addition to making sure you keep your aligners clean, you need to keep your mouth clean. It is important to brush after every meal and floss at least twice a day. Your aligners sit tightly against your teeth, so not brushing after every meal can result in bacteria buildup and bad breath. By practicing proper oral hygiene, you can prevent plaque buildup, discolored teeth, and cavities.
4. Change Them on Schedule
For clear aligners to work, you must change them on a schedule determined by your orthodontist. Make sure you keep your appointments and change them as instructed. The success of aligners is directly related to changing them on the right schedule.
5. Wear Them at Night After Straightening
Even though you have successfully completed straightening your teeth, you want to keep wearing your clear aligners or a retainer at night to maintain your smile. Teeth never stop moving, so this is an important step in getting the most out of your investment.
Learn About Our Affordable Financing
Affordable Orthodontics
By following the steps outlined above, you can achieve and maintain the smile you have always wanted. As your go-to provider for affordable orthodontics, we are here to answer all your questions. Utah Orthodontic Care offers affordable payment plans for patients. Call today at 801-999-4431 or fill out our form to schedule a free consultation with an orthodontist.